Dad passed away last night. We have appreciated all of the prayers, notes, visits, and support from all of our dear friends and family. His funeral will be this Friday September 25 at 11 a.m. at the Orem Park Stake Center located at 200 W. and 300 S. in Orem, Utah. The viewing will be Thursday evening from 6-8 p.m. also at the stake center. The details of the service will be coming in the Herald and Deseret News newspapers soon. Our sweet father was a fighter until his last breathe. As short as it was we are so grateful that we had time with him, and we were able to say goodbye. We love all of you so very much, and look forward to seeing you all at the service.
The Palfreyman Family
Kaylene and kids--
ReplyDeleteOur prayers are with you!! We loved your dad and will deeply miss him. Your father has touched our life as well as the lives of our children. His influence will be felt for many generations.
Love always,
Curt & Susie Bramble
Oh the great times we all had together! Your dad is one amazing man and we will miss him! You are in our thoughts and prayers!
Trent & Jess Perry
"I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course, I have kept the faith . . ." Farewell, Dave, until we meet again. I am praying for your family. Love, Gayle Jordan Randall
ReplyDeletethank you for keep us updated through Dave's fight. We love you all and will continue to have you in our thoughts and prayers. We wish we could be there to give you both a hug...please accept one from Jess and Jonathan from us.